ÚFI/Výuka/Fyzikální inženýrství a nanotechnologie/1. ročník, II. stupeň/Povrchy a tenké vrstvy I
Povrchy a tenké vrstvy I
Přednášky z předmětu Povrchy a tenké vrstvy I
Reviews of experimental techniques as presented by students during lectures
(list is here)
Photoelectron spectroscopy: XPS and UPS
Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy: STM, STS, manipulation
Electron diffraction: LEED, RHEED
Ion scattering: LEIS, MEIS, RBS
Energy loss and vibrational spectroscopy: EELS, FTIR, Raman, (incl. imaging)
Low energy electron microscopy: LEEM
X-ray diffraction and scattering: XRD, XRR, SAXS
Electron microscopy: SEM, SAM (AES)
Scanning probe microscopy and advanced techniques: AFM, KFM, EFM, MFM, SNOM
Mass spectroscopy: SIMS
Electron microscopy: TEM
Optical characterization: UV/Vis, Ellipsometry, Reflectometry
Synchrotron based techniques: PES, XAS, NEXAFS, XMCD, …
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